Mental Wellbeing Resources

Information, tools and resources from local and national organisations.

The Scottish Government’s ‘Clear Your Head’ campaign highlights the practical things people can do to help them feel better whilst continuing to stay at home:

SAMH is Scotland’s national mental health charity. The charity have build a Coronavirus Mental Health Information Hub regularly updated with the information, links and resources to help keep you informed and protect your mental health during Covid-19 pandemic:

Got a question about mental health? Talk to the SAMH Information Team:

Good Thinking helps to find NHS-approved mental health tools and advice to support you if you feel Anxious, stressed, depressed or having trouble sleeping because of coronavirus. Although developed with Londoners in mind, the website is full of guides, workbooks, factsheets and apps recommendations that may be useful to anyone who wants to keep on top of their mental health and wellbeing.  


Self Assessments:
  • If you are feeling anxious, low, stressed or having trouble sleeping Good Thinking has five clinically validated assessments for you to choose from. Visit Self Assessment: Self-assessments | Good Thinking


Mind’s Coronavirus information Hub provides advice on how to support your mental wellbeing during this period. This includes practical advice on coping with staying at home, tips for employers on supporting yourself and your team, and updates on how the new coronavirus laws could affect your rights.

iHASCO have created Mental Health Wellbeing Toolkit (PDF) to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing. It can either be used as a starting point, or it can be used by those who are already managing their wellbeing who would like more information.